Create a Feedback Button

This step-by-step guides covers how to create a feedback button in FeedLetter.

1. Log In and Go To the Dashboard

Hover over the menu on the left, click Create Web Rating.

Note: A feedback button is a display option for the FeedLetter Web Rating Widget besides the popup and inline versions.

Log in and go to the Dashboard

2. Create New Web Rating Widget Screen

The Customize panel contains the options for editing this widget.

Enter a name for the widget, so you can identify it later. It’s for your internal use and not used publicly.

Create New Web Rating Widget window

3. Customize: Rating tab - Choose a Rating Type

In Rating’ choose either the Thumbs or 5 emojis rating type.

The Thumbs rating type has 3 options - thumbs up, thumbs neutral, thumbs down. And the 5 emojis are classic 5 emoji scale with options from angry to love it.

Customize: Rating tab - Choose a rating type

4. Customize: Rating tab - Introduction Headline

Enter this question for your users aka what the user should rate.

Customize: Rating tab - Introduction Headline

5. Customize: Editing the Introduction Headline

As you edit the text, your entries update the text in the Preview to the right.

Customize: Editing the Introduction Headline

6. Customize: Extended feedback tab - Thumbs Rating Type

Once users rate in the first step, an additional step named “Extended feedback is shown to ask a further question. The question is customizable for each rating answer and you have the opportunity to ask the user for further clarification or feedback.

Note: Only the first option is used in the preview.

Customize: Extended feedback tab - Thumbs rating type

7. Customize: Thank You Tab

Edit your Thank you headline as needed.

Customize: Thank you tab

8. Customize: Advanced Tab

Enables email notification on new comments, time control for the popup version, review schema for Google, and the branding.

Customize: Advanced tab

9. Click on Create

Click on Create

10. Success Confirmation

The feedback form was successfully created.

Success confirmation

11. Get the Feedback Button Embed

Select and copy the code for the feedback button or click theĀ Copy as Feedback Button.

Get the Feedback Button Embed

12. Paste the Embed Code Into Your Page

Go to the page where you want to add the embed and past the embed code inside the body tag of your page

